UV radiation use in plant industries and methodological approaches

International research on horticulture product nutrition is booming, and the quality of horticultural crops grown in facilities is a key indicator of the commercial worth of their goods. To guarantee excellent quality and great production, UV grow lights for plants in plant factories must be used and controlled carefully. The use of UV grow lights for plants in spaces with additional UV radiation technology can lower the need for chemical techniques to stop the growth of vegetables and enhance their quality, which is a crucial assurance for the production of organic, green food.

In one study, it was discovered that adding UV-A to lettuce boosted its anthocyanin content by 11%, and adding UV-B to lettuce enhanced its carotenoids and chlorophylls content while decreasing it in red leaf lettuce. There could be a light-dependent shift in the amounts of phenolic phytochemicals, which would explain the variation in how green and red leaf lettuce react to UV-A and UV-B rays. It’s possible that red leaf lettuce’s considerably greater levels of phenolic phytochemicals when exposed to UV light decreased the need for carotenoids in chloroplasts for photoprotection.

In order to achieve high quality and high yield in facility horticulture, UV grow lights for plants in plant factories are a highly valuable application. However, in order to ensure application safety, the application should be tailored to the crop species and application targets in order to select the application dose and irradiation timing. The application objectives are primarily to control plant growth and improve the quality of agricultural products, such as increasing the amount of antioxidant substances in vegetables, speeding up the synthesis of color-developing substances in flower petals and leaves, and increasing the accumulation of secondary metabolic substances in medicinal plants. The crop species selection, facility vegetables, medicinal plants, flowers, and fruit trees can all be applied.

The dose of UV radiation must be regulated in order to limit the influence of UV grow lights on plant regulation. This can be done by applying modest doses of UV radiation for brief periods of time, irradiating plants repeatedly and intermittently, short-term pre-harvest irradiation, and other techniques to lower the dose. UV lamps are currently available for purchase; nevertheless, UV grow lights for plants are the recommended electric light source for UV light management since they may be positioned precisely for irradiation.

From a safety perspective, appropriately intelligent light environment management strategies should be developed based on the physiological requirements of facility horticulture crops and quality control objectives. This will prevent human exposure to UV radiation, allowing UV to play its part in quality control and enhance the commercial value and nutritional value of facility horticulture crops. One strategy that could be used is to turn on more illumination at night and turn it off during the day.

We are wholesalers of LED grow lights for plants, but we are also experts at creating the exact plants you want! We would be happy to assist you!


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