Red Light
Definition – What does Red Light mean?
A red light is a plant grow light that appears red in color and has a wavelength of 600 – 700 nanometers (nm). These lights are often used for indoor growing, particularly for flowering plants.
Explains Red Light
Light is exceedingly important in the life of a plant as it helps a plant to produce chlorophyll and undergo photosynthesis. Although outdoor plants normally receive natural light across the entire light spectrum, plants that are grown indoors can sometimes receive an insufficient amount of a necessary light wavelength. Many indoor gardeners use grow lamps to supplement the light their plants receive.
The light spectrum emitted by the sun, particularly the visible light spectrum, emits light in seven different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Colors on the far ends of this spectrum play a key role in the health and propagation of plants. For example, blue light directly affects chlorophyll production, so plants that are grown under blue lights will have strong leaves and stems. On the other hand, red light is responsible for flower and fruit production, and is also very important in the early life of a plant for seed and root growth.
Blue Light
Definition – What does Blue Light mean?
Blue light has a very short wavelength, produces more energy, and is sometimes used in horticultural lighting systems. Blue light LEDs are used in greenhouses and interior plant lighting systems where plants are grown in a controlled environment.
The advantage of a blue LED lighting system is that it concentrates the specific wavelengths of light that produce the most energy for plants to use during photosynthesis.
Explains Blue Light
The waveband of a blue light LED is much narrower than the waveband produced by conventional light systems, and the energy produced is far more intense, concentrated, and contains more photons essential for maximum plant growth.
Blue light systems are much smaller, more durable, and longer lasting than conventional grow light systems are. Blue light LED systems also operate at a much cooler temperature.
Because blue light growing systems are so durable and intense, NASA is exploring blue light systems for cultivating plants in space.
Blue light is harmful to human vision after prolonged exposure. Therefore, some caution must be exercised when using blue light systems.